Developer Quick Start
Welcome to the Sylva tutorial! This guide will walk you through the basics of deploying a management cluster using Sylva, tailored for developers and testers.
Before you begin, ensure your system meets the following requirements:
VM Minimal Requirements​
- Flavor: Any Linux distribution
- Size: 100Gi
- Memory: 32Gi
- CPU: 8 VCPUs
Common Setup​
- Docker: Install Docker from Docker Installation Guide.
- pip: Install pip following the instructions on pip's official site.
- PyYAML: Install PyYAML either from your Linux distribution's package manager or via pip. Visit PyYAML for more details.
- Yamllint: Install Yamllint through your distribution's package manager or pip. More information can be found on Yamllint's website.
- yq: Install yq, steps are found on the offical Github Page.
- Optional: Set up proxies as per the troubleshooting guide if necessary.
Clone sylva-core​
Clone the sylva-core
repository to get started with your setup:
git clone
cd sylva-core
Prepare your deployment values​
Copy the default environment values to a new directory and modify them as per your requirements:
cp -r environment-values/kubeadm-capd/ environment-values/my-kubeadm-capd
vim environment-values/my-kubeadm-capd/values.yaml
Setup the Cluster Virtual IP​
Configure the virtual IP for your cluster by checking and setting up the Docker network:
# Check if Docker network "kind" exists and create if it doesn't
if ! docker network inspect kind > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Docker network 'kind' doesn't exist. Creating the network..."
docker network create kind
# Export Docker network "kind" address
KIND_PREFIX=$(docker network inspect kind -f '{{ (index .IPAM.Config 0).Subnet }}')
CLUSTER_IP=$(echo $KIND_PREFIX | awk -F"." '{print $1"."$2"."$3".100"}')
yq -i ".cluster_virtual_ip = \"$CLUSTER_IP\"" environment-values/my-kubeadm-capd/values.yaml
Verify that the virtual cluster IP has been set correctly:
yq e ".cluster_virtual_ip" environment-values/my-kubeadm-capd/values.yaml
Optional: Proxies Setup for Your Management Cluster​
Configure proxy settings for your management cluster if needed:
http_proxy: "your_http_proxy"
https_proxy: "your_https_proxy"
no_proxy: "your_no_proxy_list"
Optional: Docker Hub Registry Mirrors Setup​
Set up Docker Hub registry mirrors to avoid rate limits on image pulls:
# Configure containerd registry mirrors as per the official containerd documentation
- mirror_url: "http://your.mirror/docker"
- If needed, visit the Containerd related documentation
- See charts/syla-units/values.yaml for a more detailed example
With your values configured, proceed to deploy using the bootstrap script
./ environment-values/my-kubeadm-capd
After deployment​
Adding a Workload Cluster​
To add a workload cluster, copy the environment values, set the workload cluster virtual IP, and apply them:
cp -r environment-values/workload-clusters/kubeadm-capd/ environment-values/workload-clusters/my-workload-kubeadm-capd/
KIND_PREFIX=$(docker network inspect kind -f '{{ (index .IPAM.Config 0).Subnet }}')
WORKLOAD_CLUSTER_IP=$(echo $KIND_PREFIX | awk -F"." '{print $1"."$2"."$3".200"}') # use the .200 (or any other that wouldn't be assigned by Docker) IP from the local kind subnet
yq -i ".cluster_virtual_ip = \"$WORKLOAD_CLUSTER_IP\"" environment-values/workload-clusters/my-workload-kubeadm-capd/values.yaml
./ environment-values/workload-clusters/my-workload-kubeadm-capd
Removing a Workload Cluster​
To remove a workload cluster, suspend all operations and delete the cluster:
export WORKLOAD_CLUSTER=my-workload-kubeadm-capd
flux suspend -n $WORKLOAD_CLUSTER --all kustomization
flux suspend -n $WORKLOAD_CLUSTER --all helmrelease
kubectl delete namespace $WORKLOAD_CLUSTER
For further assistance, refer to the detailed documentation or the community support channels.